
(Libertas Praestantissimum)——1888620



36、但人们最伟大与最神圣的任务,无疑是热诚与虔敬地顶礼天主。由于吾人永久处于天主权下,并为天主的意志所统治;由于吾人出源于天主,并当回返于天主,故人有义务恭敬天主乃是必然的结论。加以,没有敬德,则不可能有任何美德;因为美德的任务在于引人们归向天主,他是人们最伟大最崇高的美善。故此敬德是:“实行直接指向光荣天主的事宜的美德。(圣多玛斯)它是诸德之首脑。倘若人问: 有许多不同的宗教,甚至水火不能相容的宗教,究竟该信奉那一门。理智和本性一定回答说,应当信奉天主命人信奉的宗教。同时,这宗教有某些外在的记号可以容易辨认出来。至圣天主曾经立意以这些记号,使真宗教有别于其它宗教。倘若在这关系重大之事上,有所错误,其结果必然造成巨大的丧亡。所以,上述这种信仰自由,不但使人任意违反或放弃履行至圣任务的权利,又使人可以背弃万善的天主,步向邪恶,则这种自由,如上所提,并非自由,而是自由的堕落,以及使灵魂屈服罪恶的卑鄙奴役。


37、(有一种错误的行径) 由国家观点来看,“信仰自由”要国家不举行钦崇天主的礼仪,或不准在公共场合举行任何宗教仪式;不准袒护任何宗教,主张同等看待一切宗教,亦不必顾民众的愿望,即使民众是信仰公教的。想使这种作法正确无误,必须使:“国家没有钦崇天主的义务”或“国家可以任意违反这义务而无罪”的谬论变成真理。但二者显然是虚妄的。社会这个事物,无论由其组成份子及其权力形式(的角度)来研究,还是由其宗旨及其所产生的诸多伟大利益来探讨,绝对无疑,(社会是)人结合而组成,乃天主圣意使然。是天主使人(成为)生而为有灵的社会动物:是天主使人生活在社会中,使其通过与他人群居共处,而达至其单独不能获的一切本性需求。于是,社会亦应当承认天主为其创立者,并尊敬、崇拜天主的统治权。故此,理智及正义皆不许可国家实行同等看待不同的宗教派别,以及同等权利给与一切宗教的政策;因为这政策与无神论相差无几。





36.Butassuredly of all the duties which man has to fulfillthat without doubtis the chiefest and holiest which commands him to worship God with devotion and piety.This follows of necessity from the truth that we are ever in the power of Godare ever guided by His will and providenceand having come forth from Himmust return to Him.Add to whichno true virtue can exist without religionfor moral virtue is concerned with those things which lead to God as man's supreme and ultimate good and therefore religion which (as St. Thomas says) "performs those actions which are directly and immediately ordained for the divine honor" rules and tempers all virtues. And if it be asked which of the many conflicting religions it is necessary to adoptreason and the natural law unhesitatingly tell us to practice that one which God enjoinsand which men can easily recognize by certain exterior noteswhereby Divine Providence has willed that it should be distinguished becausein a matter of such momentthe most terrible loss would be the consequence of error.Whereforewhen a liberty such as We have described is offered to manthe power is given him to pervert or abandon with impunity the most sacred of dutiesand to exchange the unchangeable good for evil whichas We have saidis no libertybut its degradationand the abject submission of the soul to sin.

37、38. This kind of libertyif considered in relation to the State clearly implies that there is no reason why the State should offer any homage to Godor should desire any public recognition of Himthat no one form of worship is to be preferred to anotherbut that all stand on an equal footing no account being taken of the religion of the peopleeven if they profess the Catholic faith.Butto justify thisit must needs be taken as true that the State has no duties toward Godor that such dutiesif they existcan be abandoned with impunityboth of which assertions are manifestly false. For it cannot be doubted but thatby the will of Godmen are united in civil societywhether its component parts be consideredor its formwhich implies authorityor the object of its existenceor the abundance of the vast services which it renders to man.God it is who has made man for society and has placed him in the company of others like himselfso that what was wanting to his nature and beyond his attainment if left to his own resources he might obtain by association with others. Whereforecivil society must acknowledge God as its Founder and Parentand must obey and reverence His power and authority.justice therefore forbidsand reason itself forbids the State to be godlessor to adopt a line of action which would end in godlessness -- namelyto treat the various religions (as they call them) alikeand to bestow upon them promiscuously equal rights and privileges. Sincethenthe profession of one religion is necessary in the Statethat religion must be professed which alone is trueand which can be recognised without difficultyespecially in Catholic Statesbecause the marks of truth areas it wereengraven upon it.This religionthereforethe rulers of the State must preserve and protectif they would provide -- as they should do -- with prudence and usefulness for the good of the community.For public authority exists for the welfare of those whom it governsandalthough its proximate end is to lead men to the prosperity found in this lifeyetin so doingit ought not to diminishbut rather to increase man's capability of attaining to the supreme good in which his everlasting happiness consists: which never can be attained if religion be disregarded.








13. Hencemindful of Our Apostolic charge and conscious of the imperious duty incumbent upon Us of defending and preserving against all assaults the full and absolute integrity of the sacred and inviolable rights of the Church We doby virtue of the supreme authority which God has confided to Usand on the grounds above set forthreprove and condemn the law voted in France for the separation of Church and Stateas deeply unjust to God whom it denies and as laying down the principle that the Republic recognizes no cult.We reprove and condemn it as violating the natural lawthe law of nations and fidelity to treaties as contrary to the Divine constitution of the Church to her essential rights and to her libertyas destroying justice and trampling underfoot the rights of property which the Church has acquired by many titles andin additionby virtue of the Concordat.We reprove and condemn it as gravely offensive to the dignity of this Apostolic Seeto Our own personto the Episcopacyand to the clergy and all the Catholics of France.ThereforeWe protest solemnly and with all Our strength against the introductionthe voting and the promulgation of this lawdeclaring that it can never be alleged against the imprescriptible rights of the Church. DzS.B.1995


五、庇护十世的《牧尔主羊》(Pascendi)通谕 ——190798

由此連結往: 《牧尔主羊》(Pascendi) 通谕



(Le Sillon - Notre Charge Apostolique)通谕 ——1910825






40、(……)! 在这过程中,这个组织(……) 最终被现代教会敌人所利用,而今(它)只是一个在各国组织的背信大活动,目的是建立一个毫无信条、教阶、思想约束及情欲抑制的世界性的“宗教”(……)



39. We fear that worse is to come: the end result (……) will be a religion (for Sillonismso the leaders have saidis a religion) more universal than the Catholic Churchuniting all men become brothers and comrades at last in the "Kingdom of God". - "We do not work for the Church we work for mankind."

40. (……)Alas! this organization (……) has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Churchand is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas nor hierarchyneither discipline for the mindnor curb for the passions . (……)