拉辛格樞機說:“ 梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議的《論教會在現代世界牧職憲章》(Gaudium et Spes)是庇護九世的《異端謬論八十條文告》(Syllabus)的一項整體上的修訂,是一個反駁的文告(Countersyllabus)。”又說,教會“努力跟1789年(法國大革命)開始的新紀元正式和解。”
英文原文:Cardinal Ratzinger said: Vatican II’s Gaudium et Spes“is a revision of the Syllabus of Pius IX,a kind of countersyllabus。”He also said: on behalf of the Church,it is“an attempt at an official reconciliation with the new era inaugurated in 1789。”
英文原文:Theologian Fr.Yves Congar remarked with quiet satisfaction that“The Church has had,peacefully,its October Revolution。”He also said:“It cannot be denied that a text like this does materially say something different from the Syllabus of 1864,and even almost the opposite of propositions 15 and 77-79 of that document。”
三、孫能斯樞機(Cardinal Suenens)的言論
英文原文:“Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church。”
四、教宗保綠六世(Paul VI)的言論