Liturgy inspires us with conndence in God in the midst of
the struggles, sufferings and calamities of this life.
24. 16-18)
illuminátio mea, et salus mea, quem timéo.
Dóminus defénsor vitæ meæ,
a quo trepidábo? qui tribulant me inimici mei,
ipsi infirmáti sunt, et cecidérunt.
Psalm. Si consistant advérsum me castra: non
timébit cor meum. Glória Patri... —Dominus
THE Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid? Mine enemies that trouble me have themselves been weakened and have fallen. Ps. ibid. 3. If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. Glory be to the Father... -The Lord...
DA nobis, quæsumus, Dómine: ut et mundi cursus pacífice nobis tuo órdine dirigátur: et Ecclésia tua tranquilla devotióne lætétur. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit...
GRANT us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that both the course of this world may be peacefully ordered for us by Thy governance, and that Thy Church may rejoice in quite devotion. Through our Lord...
Lesson from the Epistle of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Romans, 8. 18-23.
[St. Paul shows us the tribulations which overwhelm us and their result: The whole world shares the punishment for sin. But the Holy Spirit has sanctified us and is the pledge of the resurrection of our bodies. ] |
FRATRE: Existimo, quod non sunt condignæ passiónes hujus témporis ad futúram glóriam. quæ revelabitur in nobis. Nam exspectátio creature, revelatiónem filiórum Dei exspéctatio Vanitáti enim creatúra subjecta est, non volens, sed propter eum, qui subjécit eam in spe: quia et ipsa creatúra liberábitur a servitúte corruptiónis, in libertátem glóriæ filiórum Dei. Scimus enim quod omnis creatúra ingemiscit, et párturit usque adhuc. Non solum autem illa, sed et nos ipsa mítias spiritus habéntes, et ipsi intra nos gémimus, adoptiónem filiórum Dei exspectántres redemptiónem córpris nostri: in Christo Jesu Dómino nostro.
BRETHREN, I reckon that the sufferings
of this time are not worthy to be compared with the
glory to come, that shall be re-vealed in us. For
the expectation of the creature waiteth for the revelation
of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject
to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him that
made it subject in hope; because the creature also
itself shall be delivered from the servitude of corruption,
into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.
For we know that every creature groaneth. and travaileth
in pain, even till now; and not only it, but ourselves
also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even
we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the
adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our
body; in Christ Jesus our Lord.
54. 23,17, 19.)
PROPITIUS esto, Dómine, peccátis notris, nequándo dicant gentes: Ubi est Deus eórum? Adjuva nos Deus salutáris noster: et propter honórem nóminis tui, Dómine, libera nos.
Allelúia, allelúia. Deus, qui sedes super thronum, et júdicas æquitatem: esto refúgium páuperum in tribulatióne. Allelúia.
FORGIVE us our sins, O Lord, lest the Gentiles should at any time say: Where is their God? Help us, O God, our Saviour; and for the honour of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver us.
Alleluia, alleluia. (Ps. 9. 5-10) O God, who sittest upon the throne, and judgest justice, be Thou the refuge of the poor in tribulation. Alleluia.
Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke, 15. 1-11.
[The Church is here represented by Peter's boat. In the ship of the Church of Jesus, beaten by the waves and tempest of this world, let us put our trust in God.] |
IN illo témpore: Cum turbæ irrúerent in Jesum, ut audirent verbum Dei, et ipse stabat secus stagnum Genésareth. Et vidit duas naves stantes secus stagnum: piscatóres autem descénderant, et lavábant retia. Ascéndens autem in unam navim, quæ erat Simónis rogávit eum a terra redúcere pusillum. Et sedens docébat de navicula turbas. Ut cessávit autem loqui, dixit ad Simónem: Duc in altum, et laxáte rétia vestra in captúram. Et respódens Simon, dixit illi:
Precéptor, per totam noctem laborántes, nihil cépimus: in verbo autem tuo laxábo rete. Et cum hoc fecíssent, conclusérunt píscium multitúdinem copiósam: rumpebátur autem rete eórum. Et annuérunt sóciis, qui erant in ália navi, ut venírent et adjuvárent eos. Et venérunt, et implevérunt ambas navículas, ita ut pene mergeréntur. Quod cum víderet Simon Petrus, prócidit ad génua Jesu, dicens: Exi a me, quia homo peccátor sum. Dómine. Stupor enim circumdéderat eum, et omnes, qui cum illo erant, in captúra píscium, quam céperant: simíliter autem Jacóbum, et Joánnem, filios Zebedæi, qui erant sócii Simónis. Et ait ad Simónem Jesus: Noli timére: ex hoc jam hómines eris cápiens. Et subdúctis ad terrain návibus, relíctis ómnibus, secúti sunt eum. - Credo.
At that time, when the multitude pressed upon Jesus to hear the word of God, He stood by the lake of Genesareth. And He saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets; and going up into one of the ships that was Simon's, He desired him to draw back a little from the land: and sitting He taught the multitudes out of the ship. Now when He had ceased to speak, He said to Simon: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a
draught. And Simon, answering, said to Him: Master, we have laboured all the night, and have taken nothing, but at Thy word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they enclosed a very great multitude of fishes; and their net broke: and they beckoned to their partners that were in the other ship, that they should come and help them; and they came, and filled both the ships, so that they were almost sinking. Which when Simon Peter saw, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying: Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was wholly astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of fishes which they had taken: and so were also James and John the sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's partners. And Jesus saith to Simon: Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And having brought their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed him.
(Ps. 12. 4, 5)
ILLUMINA óculos meos, ne umquam obdórmiam in morte: nequándo dicat inimícus meus: Præválui advérsus eum.
ENLIGHTEN mine eyes, that I never sleep in death; lest at any time mine enemy say: I have prevailed against him. |
OBLATIONIBUS nostris, quæsumus,Dómine, placáre suscéptis: et ad te nostras étiam rebélles compélle propítius voluntátes. Per Dóminum...
BE appeased, we beseech Thee, O Lord, by the offerings received from us, and graciously turn towards Thee even our rebel wills Through our Lord... |
of the Most Holy Trinity
Trinity Sunday and on Sundays throughout the year.
VERE dignum et æquum est, æquum et salutáre,
nos tibi semper et ubique grátias ágere, Dómine sancte,
Pater omnipotens ætérne Deus. Qui cum unigénito Filio
tuo, et Spirítu Sancto, unus es Deus, unus es Dóminus:
non in unius singularitáte persónæ, sed in unius Trinitáte
substántiæ. Quod enim de tua glória revelánte te,
crédimus, hoc de Fílio tuo, hoc de Spíritu Sancto,
sine differéntia discrétionis sentímus. Ut in confessióne
veræ sempiternæque Deitátis, et in persónis proríetas,
et in esséntia únitas, et in majestáte adorétur æquálitas.
Quam laudant Angeli, atque Archángeli, Chérubim quoque
ac Seráphim: qui non cessant clamáre quotidie, una
voce dicéntes:
Trinity Sunday and on Sundays throughout the year.
IT is truly meet and just, right and for
our salvation, that we should at all times and in
all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father
almighty, everlasting God; Who, together with Thine
only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, art one God,
one Lord: not in the oneness of a single Person, but
in the Trinity of One substance. For what, we believe
by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe
of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference
or separation. So that in confessing the true and
everlasting Godhead, distinction in persons, unity
in essence, and equality in majesty may be adored.
Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also
and Seraphim do praise: who cease not daily to cry
out, with one voice saying: |
(Ps, 26, 6)
DOMINUS firmaméntum meum et refugium meum, et librátor meus : Deus meus adjútor meus.
THE Lord is my firmament, and my refuge,
and my deliverer, my God is my helper. |
MYSTERIA nos, Dómine, quæsumus sumpta puríficent: et suo múnere tueántur. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum. qui tecum...
MAY the Mysteries which we have received, we beseech Thee, O Lord, purify us, and by their virtue defend us. Through our Lord... |